Okay so here I am again and I have to start WW once more because I just can't seem to quit eating like food is running out. Okay maybe it's not that bad but getting there.. The good news is that the past two days have been relatively light days.. and I have not puked thus because of that. However the past couple of months of not being on WW I have induced puking a few times.. and hated myself many more times.. I don't understand why I can't follow a simple plan.. Sugar is just to dammed good... Today I am a little optimistic about it but who knows what tomorrow will be... Today I have had toast... coffee.... and a banana.. that is a good start.
Food is so easy.. so why can't I stop eating so much of it? Why can't I live by that fact that it's only food and it's really only needed for fueling my body? Oh and speaking of body what is the deal with me not jogging in months????? I was loving it and then Christmas came and boom... no exercise. Christmas is bad bad bad. So are vacations because you do really well with the jogging, eating but go on vacation and the old ways jump on you like a baboon... Yeah July will suck when I go to CA... oh well.. I am going to be 48 in June and still A can't eat like a normal person and B can't decide what the fuck I want to do with my life.. Real mature huh?
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